Student Leadership

The School Captains

Chaerin skl photoChaerin - School Captain

Hi!, My name is Chaerin and I am one of the current school captains alongside Morgan. Since joining this school in year 7, I have always looked up to the students in the school officer teams throughout the years as they have always stood as model students who I could reach out to for support. Now, being in this position myself, I hope I can be that same role model for the rest of the students here at Chis n Sid, and with our amazing group of Vice captains and house captains, I’m so excited to introduce out new ideas and events to improve our already amazing school.

At A-level, I currently study Art, Product Design, Maths and Physics and intend to go into Engineering and Architectural design as a future career. One of the greatest things about this school, has always been the support from my teachers, who have encouraged me to push myself, even at times where I lacked confidence, and honestly without them, I couldn’t say Id be in this position now as school captain!

This school has been a place where I’ve created my closest friends and the community we build around Chis n Sid has always been something I found to be unique. There is no other school that honestly makes everyone feel so welcome and cared for and I am so proud to say I attend Chis n Sid!

Morgan skl photoMorgan - School Captain

Hello, my name is Morgan and I am one of the school captains here at Chis and Sid. I am so pleased that the school has chosen me to fill this position, as it allows me to be a role model to others, and it also allows me to give back to this wonderful school that has provided me with numerous opportunities. Chaerin and I are very fortunate to be working alongside a team of like-minded, driven School Officers (Vice and House Captains)– with their specialist help we are able to ameliorate the school experience for all of our pupils.

Currently, I am studying Economics, Maths and Further Maths A levels. These subjects reflect my passion for maths as I wish to go on to study pure maths at university. With the help of all of the sixth form staff members, our post-18 options are made very clear and our applications end up looking very polished by the time of applying.

One of my favourite things about our school is the school trips that students are capable of going on. For example, I thoroughly enjoyed visiting the beautiful city of Prague in the Czech Republic on an economics trip which saw us have a river boat cruise, a tour of the city and visiting several museums.

Since the start of year 7, I can honestly say that I have thoroughly enjoyed by experience at this school, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this amazing place for anyone looking for a secondary school.

All the best.


The School Officer Team



Welcome to the School Officer team at Chis and Sid! Over the upcoming academic year, our primary objective is to help bridge the gap between the students and staff, while also promoting our school's core values through the introduction of new school events, encompassing both sports and academics. Our team comprises of Morgan and Chaerin (The School Captains), 12 House Captains and 10 Vice Captains, each with distinct responsibilities:


Vice captains photo


Abigail – Charity:

As Vice-Captain for Charity at Chis and Sid, I am dedicated to organizing fun and memorable fundraising events to generate funds to support deserving causes. Working closely with the charity committee, my aim is to champion both local and global initiatives while promoting compassion and responsibility school wide. Some fundraising events we have done so far this year include the Xmas Jumper Day, the Valentines’ Day events (which was the rose distribution, wear pink day, and movie screening), and the culture day bake sale.  So far, we have raised over £3500 for various charities, which by the end of the year we hope to double. One of my main goals is to encourage students, particularly lower school, to feel comfortable enough to present fundraising ideas to us or to let us know of any charities they’d like to see supported. This will help to foster a sense of philanthropy and social awareness across the school body. We are planning to organise a few more fundraising events for this term, so keep eyes out for that.

Amelia – Transition:

I’m Amelia. I am proud to be a part of the school officer team in a school where there is so much enthusiasm and community spirit ingrained in it. Daniel and I will be leading the student aspects of transition for those joining the school. This will involve organizing induction days, open events and activities whilst also ensuring that all new students feel comfortable and welcomed when they join Chis and Sid. I have high hopes with what we can achieve this year and I cannot wait for the next coming year. Ever since joining the school in year 7, it has been an aspiration of mine to be a part of the school officer team, where I have the ability to share my ideas and discuss potential change, in order to enhance the school environment, whilst also listening to the ideas of students about how they feel the transition to secondary and between years, can be made any easier for themselves, and their peers. This is something that is crucial if we are to inspire those to carry on with our work in future years. As the transition school officers, Daniel and I have been given the opportunity to make this change for the better of those who join Chis and Sid or those transitioning to older years. A few of the projects that we are going to implement into Chis and Sid include making a welcome video for the new students joining in September. This will include a tour of the school and we hope will ease any concerns or worries that might be felt in the days leading up to the first day of school. Another feature we hope to start, is creating a student handbook filled with tips for adjusting to life in secondary school for the new year 7's, featuring advice and comments from previous year 7's about what it was like on their first few weeks in secondary school. We will also be implementing several study skills presentations in assemblies to help them have a good balance between schoolwork, homework, and a social life, especially for the year 12's as we understand that the jump from GCSE to A-Levels can be very daunting at first.

Brook – Diversity and Inclusion:

My name is Brook, and I am the diversity and Inclusion officer. I would like to use the role as a platform to foster an environment where equity is promoted, diversity is celebrated, and inclusion is advocated in all aspects of your school life at Chis and Sid. I am here to create a workplace where differences are embraced, and all voices are heard. Throughout the year we will be delivering assemblies and organising different events such as Culture Day, which has been incredibly successful the past two years. We really want to get all of the students involved and would love to know what you would like to see at Chis and Sid in terms of diversity and Inclusion. We encourage each of you to actively participate. We are here to listen to everyone and advocate for positive change within the school community.

Daniel – Transition:

Hi, I’m Daniel. I feel honoured to be a vice-captain here at a school with so much dedication geared towards the improvement and betterment of our school community and its students. My primary aim is to assist new and current students in navigating through periods of change with ease and efficiency. I will be working with my partner Amelia and will be heading aspects of transition for new students in years 7 and 12.  A few of our projects include creating a welcome video series for the new year 7’s and external year 12’s and implementing a study skills workshop especially for the year 12’s. I have very high hopes for the success of our intended projects. Being one of the transition officers within the school, my motivation stems from a genuine dedication to assisting my peers and the younger years in navigating the transitions inherent in different phases of their education. Recognising the challenges associated with moving between grades, subjects, or schools, as I experienced this first-hand while moving to a whole different environment and meeting new people which may seem daunting at first, I am dedicated to providing the necessary support, guidance, and resources to ensure a smooth transition process. In conclusion, Amelia and I will be working alongside the school officer team, various teachers and staff and I am relieved to say that we believe with all the support we can create an environment where every student feels prepared and supported to excel during times of change.

Francesca – Extracurricular:

I am the extracurricular school captain. My roles include taking leadership over and helping with all extracurricular clubs and events, including sports such as netball, dance, rugby, music clubs and events, sports day, and subject specific events. Overall, anything that you have and will do that is not part of the school curriculum is my role. I am here to innovate and organise any competitions, clubs, or events within the school to continue to build a cohort of well-rounded students. My plan is to send out a survey for you all to complete, to understand how you feel about the current extracurricular activities and what more we could offer. Once I obtain the results for the survey, I will be holding an extracurricular club and events fair which will provide you with information about all the clubs that are on offer. I am grateful for this opportunity, and I look forward to working with you and the rest of the team to ensure that everyone gains an enriching experience at Chis and Sid.

Gemma – Diversity and Inclusion:

My name is Gemma, and I am the Diversity and Inclusion Officer. I am looking forward to working alongside the equality groups within school to promote an inclusive environment in which all students and staff feel respected, valued, and equal. I am committed to driving positive change and dedicated to continuing the push for an even more inclusive space, celebrating all cultures and backgrounds. We firmly believe that diversity and inclusion is not only one of our greatest strengths at Chis and Sid, but also a responsibility which we must all focus on.

Jared – Mental Health and Wellbeing:

Hi, my name is Jared and I have the pleasure of being the school officer for wellbeing this year. Six months ago, I would never have dreamed of being in this position as I struggled to even come into school in the morning. Now, I am committed to serving the school community and, in working with the pastoral office, seek to ensure no student should suffer in silence. Asking for help was a very nerve-wracking and daunting thing but I don’t think I would be in the position I am in now if it wasn’t for that one small email I sent. And that’s why I am here today – to help others cope with all the stresses and anxiety that school can bring and encourage people to seek help and speak out. If at any point you are feeling stressed or are struggling, please don’t hesitate to talk to someone or drop the pastoral office or me an email. I know how frightening it can be, but I can honestly say asking for help was one of the best things I have done and something I hope to make easier and more comfortable for all students.

Luke – Prefects:

My name is Luke Davies – along with Tilly, I am one of the vice captains of prefects. We will be working with prefects in year 12 across all subjects to help students and teachers throughout the school. To achieve this, we will help to encourage and manage events, competitions, and clubs across all year groups, as well as helping the prefect team with any concerns that they may have. We hope that with your input, all these events that we run together over the course of the next year will increase the student’s enthusiasm and interest in their subjects and our school community. Our aim is to encourage Chis and Sid students to excel academically, and to promote the wide range of subjects that the school has to offer. We look forward to working with you and hearing all your ideas!

Tilly – Prefects:

Hi, my name is Tilly, and I am one of the captains of the subject prefects, alongside Luke. We will be collaborating with Year 12 prefects of all subjects to encourage the hosting of competitions, clubs and events which will be accessible to all year groups – these will promote the wide range of subjects that the school has to offer. Additionally, we hope that such events will increase students’ interest and enthusiasm in their subjects, encouraging academic excellence within the school.

Toby – Environment:

As the School’s Vice Captain with responsibility for the Environment, I intend to continue the great progress made in the school and help make this school an example for all others in the borough. Not only will this come with a number of new projects including student involvement in a working ‘Green Team,’ but also with the school’s entrance in a number of regional environmental competitions. I hope to work with you all in the future to complete these plans.



House captains photos

Davies: Anaiya and Piper:

Hello, Our names are Piper and Anaiya and we are the Davies House Captains. We applied to be a part of the School Officer Team because we wanted to have the ability to make a difference within the school. We want to focus on integration between the year groups and creating more cohesion between students from the same house in different years to reinforce the House System here at Chis and Sid.

Edlmann: Isobel and James

Hi, we're James and Isobel and we're excited to be your Edlmann house captains. With a passion for fostering house spirit, we're dedicated to organising exciting school events, promoting inclusivity and empowering Edlmann house members to be their best.

Lester: Dami and Cassey

Hi, we're Cassey and Dami, the house captains for Lester. Our mission is to cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment where every member feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential. Through promoting leadership development, and celebrating individual and collective achievements, we aim to inspire a culture of determination and resilience within our house community.

Staff: Ollie and Zina

Hi! Our names are Ollie and Zina and we are your house captains for Staff. Our intent is to create a sense of unity from year 7 up until year 13, inspire excellence and ignite a passion for our school across every year group. We plan to organise and run engaging events, as well as supporting and celebrating any collective or individual achievements and endeavours throughout our house. 

Townshend: Charlie and Evie

Hi, my name is Evie and my name is Charlie. As House Captains for Townshend, we intend to continue the work of the previous house captains to make this house the best it can be and lead us to success across the range of competitions and activities across the school. We will make sure all members of the house feel included and supported, and further the sense of community that already exists within the house. We look forward to fulfilling the role of House Captains for this year!

Williams: Faith and Shafiga

Hi we’re Shafiga and faith, William’s House Captains. As house captains we intend to lead by example, promoting teamwork and ensuring every member of the Williams house feels valued and included. We aim to listen to your ideas, support your initiatives and work well in unison with you to lead our house to success.


House Captains

There are six houses at CSGS, and students are assigned to a House when they join the school in Year 7.  Twelve students in our sixth form are nominated as House Captains each year, with two captains being assigned to each house.

The House Captains demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities and encourage both endeavour and the development of character in members of their respective houses in KS3 and KS4.  House Captains assist with the planning and delivery of house assemblies and leading and assisting at school events, such as open mornings / evenings and Sports Day.  Our House Captains are proud to take a leading role in the day to day life of the school by encouraging engagement and participation among all year groups at CSGS.

The Charity Committee

The Charity Committee at CSGS consists of a diverse group of skilful students who  organise various events to raise money for the charities on which they have chosen to focus..

Each year the Charity Committee decide which causes to support and raise money for.

Members thoroughly enjoy participating in the successful events they organise and execute.


Mental Health Awareness Week, May 2024 A total of £854.00 was collected on our Non-Uniform Day for Y7-10 & Y12 in support of the The Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research UK and “Wear It Green Day” for Mental Health Awareness Week.  £427.00 was donated to Cancer Research (charity no.  1089464) and £427.00 was donated to Young Minds (charity no 1016968).
Culture Day, March 2024 The Culture Day Bake Sale raised £140.50 for the Race Equality Foundation! Registered Charity No. 1051096
Valentine's Week events 2024

The Charity Committee working with the Young Enterprise Team organised a Valentine's table top sale offering eco-cards and long-stemmed roses, a non-uniform day and a screening of Gnomeo & Juliet, all of which were well supported. In total we raised £1182.57 during this week and this will be donated to the Pink Ribbon Foundation. Registered charity no. 1080839.

Read for Good 2023 Students raised £307.50 through sponsorship to read for their pleasure.  Completing their sponsored read enabled Read for Good to provide the magic of books and stories to children in hospital.  Registered charity no. 1130309.
Save the Children 2023

A total of £1294.50 was raised for Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Appeal 2023.  Save the Children exists to help every child reach their full potential. In the UK and around the world, we make sure children stay safe, healthy and keep learning, so they can become who they want to be (charity no 213890).

Poppy Appeal 2023 A total of £423 was raised for the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal in 2023.  Contributions help support the Armed Forces community, past and present, charity no 219279.
Movember - November 2023 Movember activities raised £1782, with Students and Staff involved in ‘Growing a Mo’, hosting ‘Mo-ment’ bake sales and through ‘Move-for Movember’ activities.  The funds raised were put towards both research and treatment in prostate and testicular cancer, as well as mental health support for those considering suicide [which has sadly become the leading cause of death for men under 50]. Movember UK (charity no 07275694)
World Mental Health Day - 10th October 2023 A total of £920 was raised for the benefit of the charity Young Mind Trust (charity no 1016968) during our Mental Health Awareness Week activities with included wearing yellow, a bake sale, mindful art, mindful sewing, crocheting and knitting and a Zen Den.
Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal - February 2023 A total of £2246.50 was raised from donations which will be transferred to the British Red Cross (charity no 220949) DEC (Disaster Emergency Committee) for the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal.
Movember - November 2022 Our Movember activities raised £1593, with Students and Staff involved in ‘Growing a Mo’, hosting ‘Mo-ment’ bake sales and through ‘Move-for Movember’ activities.  The funds raised were put towards both research and treatment in prostate and testicular cancer, as well as mental health support for those considering suicide [which has sadly become the leading cause of death for men under 50]. Movember UK (charity no 07275694)
Pink ribbon foundation  
Screenshot 2024 02 05 134333 Save the children 2024
Movember total 2023 Poppy appeal 2023
Youngminds cert