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Curriculum Overview

The aim of our Curriculum is to provide students with a high quality, broad and ambitious education that prepares them for the modern world enabling them to become the leaders of tomorrow.

At CSGS, we pride ourselves on creating intellectually curious, well-informed, compassionate and socially responsible citizens who will go on to assume important positions of influence. In lessons, we encourage our students to think for themselves so that they develop the critical and analytical skills, as well as creativity and resilience that they will need when they leave us and enter the next stage of their academic or professional career.

"Our staff excel in creating dynamic and stimulating lessons that stretch and challenge even the most able of students while offering support and help when needed".

There is clear progression in the curriculum as each subject we offer is taught up to GCSE level, supports our broad and balanced curriculum and is linked to relevant post 16 A level qualifications.

Throughout the three key stages, the curriculum is ambitious for all students, including those with SEND and those from a disadvantaged background. It develops not only the knowledge and skills but also the cultural capital of our students and promotes social, moral, spiritual and physical development.

Key Stage Three

At Key Stage Three, students broadly follow the National Curriculum.

Programmes of study are developed to allow them to study a broad and academically challenging programme that enriches their knowledge and understanding. There is no curriculum narrowing.

All students study Maths, English, Science (separated into the three Sciences from the beginning of Year 7), French or German, Latin, Geography, History, RS, Art, Computer Science, Drama, Music, Physical Education and Technology.

At the start of Year 9 students in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics begin to study the GCSE course to allow them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Science whilst being appropriately challenged.


Key Stage Four

All students follow an Ebacc programme of study.  Students all study Maths, English Language, English Literature, Science (either Trilogy or separate Sciences) RS, one language, one Humanity and a non-examined course in PE. The options subjects include all of the subjects previously studied in Key Stage Three.

To challenge the most gifted mathematicians, the school enters a number of students for the Further Maths GCSE.

Students who speak an additional language are encouraged to take a GCSE in that language.

Key Stage Five

Students follow one of two pathways – either 4 A Levels or three A Levels and an enrichment course, options including EPQ or an AS Level in Maths and English.

Personal Development

All students at Key Stages Three and Four follow the Respect Curriculum in tutor periods. This focuses on the development of the CSGS character agenda and preparing students for life in modern Britain.

In addition, students in Key Stage Three have fortnightly Skills for Life lesson where they learn about aspects of the Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum. In Key Stage Four, further aspects of the RSE Curriculum and Careers are delivered through a series of curriculum days.

In Key Stage Five, the tutor programme continues to develop the themes of the Respect Curriculum and RSE. In addition, there is a focus on preparing students for the next step in their journey, whether it be university, an apprenticeship or a job.

Throughout these programmes, students are taught how to look after their own mental health and well-being and that of their peers.

Enrichment and Extra-Curricular Activities

All students are encouraged to take part in at least one extra-curricular activity. Over a hundred such opportunities exist and range from sport, drama and music to chess, writing the school Chronicle and Young Enterprise. 

The Quest programme runs from Year 7 to Year 13 and is aimed the challenging the most able to students in the school to think critically about subjects beyond the curriculum.

Introduction to the school (Y7)
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